The usage of this tool is easy: You just need an internet browser
and enter the request data into the provided page and then submit
the data to the server, which can be displayed when results are
available. You don't have to keep the browser open, you can do any
other task and come back later again.
A few word about browsers. The tested and best working browsers are
firefox, chromium and opera. Internet Explorer is working with
newer version. Safari is known for having problems after selecting
rows and redisplay the content.
Enter Request Data
The first step is to enter the input (request) data. Click on
"Start Application" in the left menu. It appears a screen
Id |
The number (identification) of the request already
started. Note: When opening the input mask the first
time after starting the browser, the selection box right from
this field is (automatically) validated against the ids on the
Target |
The species against which the data is calculated.
Title |
The title which appears later on on top of the output table. If
not entered the actual date and hours is taken and appended by
the request id.
Reference genome coordinates |
The request input data
File |
The request input data - but taken from a (local) file of your
Species |
The species of interest. These fields coresponds to the
selected target!
Here can can enter the request data. There are three ways to
proceed: either you (only) type the id of an already made request,
select a row in "Select one of the last requests..." (where the last
10 runs are stored locally) or you fill the input fields of a new
request, below the id line. E.g. if you select a target (hg19) then
the species are added and you can proceed.
Select a Target
If you select a target, the species for that target are added to be
Select RepeatMasker Input
Or you can select a RepeatMasker file. When doing so, the file
is analyzed (locally on your browser / computer) and the found
families are displayed.
Select at least one family of interest and the coodinates textfiled
will be filled witht that RepeatMasker data with the appropriate
selected families.
The button "Testcase" just enteres data for a test run. Clicking on
"OK" will send that data. For resetting the mask click on "Start
Application" on the left menu.
The size of the input data must not exceed 32MB and the row number
must be less than 100000. The maximum filsize is 512MB - but
note, that selecting/sending big data can result in long waits or
browser freeze.
The displayed amout of lines in the result table depends of the
number of displayed cells - the maximum is set actuallay to
200000. This is done, because many browsers have problems
handling much bigger data.
The request and result is available for 28 days on the server.
After that time it will be deleted.
Input Data Format
The input data consists of a text file with lines of the form
"chr" nr BLANKS start BLANKS end [BLANKS info]
"chr" nr ":" start "-" end [BLANKS info]
where BLANKS are single or multiple blanks or tabulators, nr is the
number of the chromosom, start is the start position, end is the end
position and info is a textual information.
chr22 39644734 39644831 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_39644734_39644831_+_perfect
chr22 26111046 26111136 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_26111046_26111136_C_perfect
chr22 31701390 31701479 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_31701390_31701479_+_perfect
chr22 33816271 33816312 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_33816271_33816312_C_perfect
chr22:26111046-26111136 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_26111046_26111136_C_perfect
chr22:31701390-31701479 human5SrRNA_chr22_edit_31701390_31701479_+_perfect
If you submit data, but some lines are incorrect, only the valid
lines are send to calculation. You can either go back direct from
here with the invalid data to the input mask or later when the
request is finished. Invalid lines are marked by a comment "#" at
the start and they are skipped for calculation.
Start Calculation
After submitting the request, following screen appears
The request is put in a queue and will be calculated in order of
arrival. It means: closing the browser and opening it again does
not stop the calculation! You have to either bookmark the link,
write down the id of the request or (if you dont want to do), just
go to "Start Application" and select the last row under "Select one
of the last requests...". As long as the request is not ready,
following mask will be displayed
You can stay on this page and wait. See the note, that this page is
updated every 60 seconds. Click on "Check manually" breaks this
time and immediately checks if the result is available.
Display Data
If the request is ready calculated following screen appears
Sort Table
This table offers sorting (by quality or by species/columns), which
is done on the local computer (not on the server).
By Quality (+, -, ++, --)
First: sorting offered by the menu on the left side: The option "+"
sorts the rows by counting the number of "++", "+", "+-" and "+(/)"
found in rows. The option "-" sorts by counting "-" and "-(=)". The
option "++" sorts only by counting the number of "++", where "--"
sorts only by counting the number of "--".
By Columns
Second: Sorting by columns is done by clicking on the column header.
The first selected header is (re-)ordered to the left of the table
and so on - so you can see the order of seltion critaria. The first
3 columns stay in the order, although you can sort by "info" and
"region". The column sorting uses the symbols in the species
columns as the criteria for sorting. Note: The hit coordinate is
allways implicitly added as the last sort critaria to make the sort
Despite the sorting by column or by "+" or "-", you may place rows
in your preferred order. "Cut Selected", "Paste Before" and "Paste
After" gives you the possibility to move rows to other places in the
table. Note: This sorting is temporary and lost if you click on any
column or sorting button!
Select Rows
Rows are selected (and also deselected) by clicking on the selection
box in the first column of each line. Ranges of rows are selected
by keeping the shift key pressed and select first and last row of
the selected area. See also "Cut Selected", "Paste Before" and
"Paste After" (already mentioned in "Manually"). Additionally to
this seletion mechanism, there are two special ones:
Display Perfect
(Re-)displays the table, but only for rows, where the species have
only "+" or "-" as symbols.
Display Selected
(Re-)displays the table only for the selected rows.
Recalculate Valid Data
Take the (valid) input data and settings of this result, fill and
redisplay the input mask. This gives the opportunity to start a new
calculation with modified input.
Calculate Errors
Take the invalid input data and already made settings of the
request, fill and redisplay the input mask. This gives the
opportunity to continue with calculation of the missing invalid
Display Symbols
Display the meaning of symbols used in the result table in a
separate window.
Export to Excel
Exports the values of the displayed result table direct into Excel,
Libre- and OpenOffice or to store the data into a file that can be
loaded with that named programs.
Print Result
To print the result table the best is to click on "Print" in the
left menu (not any other printer symbol!). The table will be
redisplyed in a new window or tab, but without any uneccesary
information and some recoloring - so it can be printed as a whole.
To Click on "Print..." in the browser top menu or press CTRL-P for
"direct" printing from the browser may print only a part of the
result table.
Display Tree
Opens a new window and displays the textual representation of the
marker tree in newick format and below the graphical view. Another
option of displaying newick trees
Restores the table to the initial state.