Retrogenomics at Universität Münster
About Tools Intern
fastCOEX - Mark Fasta Regions
input files
Data fasta file with repeats masked in lowercase letters (maximum filesize 3GB)
Coordinates repeatMasker.out or bed file (maximum filesize 1000MB)
Select optional specific element type
query sequence
ID column column number of the ID field (name of query sequence) in the coordinate file
Query start column column number of the query start field (starting coordinate) in the coordinate file
Query end column column number of the query end field (ending coordinate) in the coordinate file
elements (repeats)
Left column number of the left element starting position, empty if no RM file is given
Right column number of the right element end position, empty if no RM file is given
Maximum maximum value (nucleotides) of allowed left and right truncations
Border minimum distance in nucleotides from the left and right border
uppercase region
Length maximum length of the flanking regions (nucleotides)
Percentage minimum percentage of uppercase letters (repeat-free) in the flanking regions