Retrogenomics at Universität Münster
About Tools Intern
Usage of 2-way

Start the Application

Click on "Run the Pipeline" to start the analysis. The input mask looks like
Every request is associated with a unique ID number. All running processes have their specific ID and are handled in order of the submission time. The last 10 selected request IDs are displayed in the menu on the left side along with their title (if entered). So you can easily navigate through them.
  • The calculation of the results may take hours up to days. As long as the calculation is in process, you are redirected to a "waiting" page. It updates automatically every minute.
  • Requests are kept for 30 days on the server. After this period all the data will be deleted.
  • There is a limit of 100 open requests. That means that if you try to submit your data and there are 100 requests running, you will have to wait until the queue is ready to accept requests again.

Previous Requests

As already mentioned the last 10 previous request are "kept" in the menu on the left side and look like
The colors have following meaning: green - results are available, blue - the requests is in process, red - the request had an error.

Entering Data

ID The id number of a previous request or a run from another computer/person.
Target Data You can either upload a fasta file or select a clade/species which resides on the server. The distribute button gives you the possibility to analyze the input file by the length of the sequences and displays a table with the results.
Query Data You can either upload a fasta file or select a clade/species which resides on the server. For the distribute button, see Target Data.
Title An option to give your request a title to identify it more easily
Min Length The minimum sequence length of query and target data, shorter seqeunces will be skipped.
Input Parameters
Min block length The minimum block length
Min gap size The minimum gap size
Max gap size The maximum gap size
Max gap overlap The maximum gap overlap
If a file is selected the input data is analyzed before the request is send to the server, to make sure, that at least one sequence contains lowercase letters and no sequence has letters not in the range "a,c,g,t,n" or "A,C,G,T,N".

Distribute Button

The distribute button displays following table - the counters are taken in steps of hundred, empty ranges are not displayed. The left column is the length range, the right column the number of sequences there

Waiting Page

When the request is send you are rediected to a waiting page. You can stay here or you can go to another webpage and look later if the request is finished or not. It looks like:
NOTE: You can stop (and delete) a request which you send previously - maybe you found that something was wrong with your data. Just click on the "Stop this request" button at the bottom. If the request is not yours - you do not have the option to stop.


When the request is finished, the main results page will be displayed first